.308 option will hold FAL, M14, AR10 or LR20/25 Pmags. 5.56 option will hold aluminum mags, Gen 1,2,3 Pmags, Troy mags and Lancer mags. Fully adjustable at shoulders and back. Can be attached to the our Infidel Belts. Strong, durable and extremely comfortable. Easy to put on and take off.

Black Multicam EMS 6 Mag Chest Rig
Black Multicam EMS 6 Mag Chest Rig
Item# 569790268
Size:  Mag Type: 
Availability: Usually ships in 4-6 weeks

Product Description

Black Multicam EMS 6 Mag Chest Rig
If you are 140 to 170 pounds you will be size small. From 170 to 240 medium. From 240 and above large.
